UAS Certificate Number:


Certificate Holder:


Date Issued:


Drone Information

information provided by the user and is correct at time of registration.

For U.S. citizens residents, and certain non-citizen U.S. corporations, this document constitutes a Certificate of Registration. For all others, this document represents a recognition of ownership.

For all holders, for all operations other than as a model aircraft under sec. 336 of Pub. L. 112-95, additional safety authority from FAA and economic authority from DOT may be required.

Safety guidelines for flying your unmanned aircraft

  • Fly below 400 feet
  • Never fly near other aircraft
  • Keep your UAS within visual line of sight
  • Keep away from emergency responders
  • Never fly over stadiums, sports events or groups of people
  • Never fly under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Never fly within 5 miles of an airport without first contacting air traffic control and airport authorities.